The awards are open to any Canadian company with offices in Canada. Events may have taken place anywhere in the world or online.
Who Can Enter the Work?
- If an independent event planner (defined as a planner who was not employed by the client organization at the time the event was executed) was responsible for the design, planning, production and execution of an event, they must obtain written permission from the client to submit the event for an award.
- If the client does not grant permission, the client may submit the event themselves on behalf of the organization only if they agree and purchase a joint entry with the planner, ensuring proper credit is given for the planner’s work.
Credit for Work Performed
- Clients cannot take sole credit for event design, planning, or execution performed by an independent planner, even if they own or hosted the event.
- The planner must be properly acknowledged in any award submission.
Cases of Business Separation or Dispute
- If the planner and client have parted ways after the event took place, or there is a business conflict, the client cannot enter the planner’s work without acknowledging their role. In such cases, the only acceptable submission is a joint entry with a clear attribution of responsibilities.